Fundamental values
The core values of GT World of Beauty Sarl indicate how responsibility is assumed in a team and how cooperation works. The core values of GT World of Beauty Sarl are:
1. Goal OrientationThe goal orientation and actions of GT World of Beauty Sarl are explained in the mission and vision statements below. GT World of Beauty Sarl always acts in a targeted manner and based on the long-term strategic objective of international business expansion.
2. RespectThe co-design of processes by different stakeholder groups is crucial to the success of GT World of Beauty Sarl. Respect is shown to all internal and external stakeholder groups to ensure long-term business success by building excellent relationships with other stakeholders.
3. TransparencyTransparency towards customers, employees, suppliers, the government, and the public is important to GT World of Beauty Sarl in order to increase trust in these groups. Transparency of the structure and organization of processes for the various interest groups must therefore be maintained.
4. PrecisionThe company's precise and meticulous work is reflected in its various departments and in its relationships with various stakeholders. GT World of Beauty Sarl follows a precise working method in all business processes, from production to marketing and sales.
5. Authenticity GT World of Beauty Sarl's authenticity is reflected in the mindset, employees, and management, who represent the company and its brands to the outside world. Authenticity is revolutionary for GT World of Beauty Sarl to strengthen the company's brands and build stakeholder loyalty and trust.
6. InnovationContinuous innovation in all areas of the business is encouraged by the company. Innovation is deeply rooted in the corporate culture, and employees are motivated and empowered to independently propose process improvements. Innovation translates into the improvement and adaptation of business processes and the improvement of products and methods for the further development of these products in line with the latest market trends in order to always offer the best to customers.